Monday, September 26, 2005


October 2005 Fridays at 12:33 in the City of Philadelphia- Throught the Year.

October 2005

Dear Right Angle Member:

Katrina has gone swooning, Rita is looming, GAza is Bomming (with gunfire) John Roberts is assuming, the Califorina sea lions are balloning, Democrats are fuming and all is well at Right Angle.


Oct. 7- John P. Maher, M.D. Director Chester County Health Department " The Mossaic of Preparedness.

Oct. 14- Anthony J. Brown, the Curtis Institute of Music "On of Phialdelphia's Secret Gems"

Oct. 21- Dan Sossaman (our own Right Angler) and First City Trooper"Reminiscences from the Balkan Deployment"

Oct. 28- David Scott, Capt., U.S. Coast Guard "The Coast, Bio-Terror and Preparedness"

What an organization! Fine Food, fellowship and cutting edge presentaions on the front page issues of the day. So get up get dressed ( even if you need help) and get to Right Angle.

Kudos to Brother Leith for a wonderful picnic at Windy Knoll, his palace in Haverford!


Michael Chertoff Hinckle

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