Friday, January 06, 2006


January 2006 Friday at 12:33 in the City of Philadelphia..

January 2006 Friday at 12:33 in the City of Philadelphia..

Dear Right Angle Members:

Happy New Year from the Right Angle Club! May 2006 be Healthy , Happy, and Prosperous for you and your families!

California is Drowning, the Eagles are frowning, China is alariming, Twain is arming, Oklahoma is smoking, Iran is provoking, Isreal is not joking and all is weel at Right Angle.

Speakers Department:

Jan 13. The Rt. Reverned Dr. David L. Moyer, Bishop of the Armed Forces, Rector of the Church of the Good Shepard, Rosemont, PA "Counter-Reformaztion in the Angelican Church: The Age of Relativism

Jan 20. Dr. Marja Hoel-Smit, Director International Housing Finace Program, Wharton School "helping People to Help Themselves: Mirco Credit in the Developing Nations

Jan 27. No Luncheon-- President Black Tie Dinner at the Philadelphia Club 6pm..

Please feel free to bring guests. The Board of Control in its infinite wisdom has decreed that your guests may feast on our sumptuos fare and enjoy our congeniality for FREE. Hopefully our infectious fellowship and warm atmosphere will compel them to join our group. We will welcome them into the fold.

So say prayer for our brave soldiers who gallantly stand in the breech and keep us safe from those wretched souls who wish us harm and get yourself to Right Angle. The New Year promises more good food, interesting speakers and a new slate of leadership.


Michael Savage Hinckle

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