Friday, June 17, 2005


The Club's Internet Address

In geek language, the address of a website is known as a URL. Once you locate a website, the URL is usually found located in a little box near the top of the screen. In our case, it has an orange B displayed just before the URL, which is

So, write that down somewhere, to participate in the website.

Better still:

take the pointer of your cursor and place it over the orange B or over the URL itself. Keep holding down the left=button of your mouse and drag the URL over to the desktop. If that doesn't make sense, think of the screen of your computer as a desktop, with a window on it. The browser is within the window. If you drag the URL over to the desktop, it should stay there. And then, in the future all you have to do is click on it.

The idea is that thereafter you don't have to remember your club's URL. All you have to do is remember not to erase the Favicon. Favicon is geek language for favorite Icon.
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